Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Rock Climber Happy with X1 Blades

Edge...I bought some carbon fiber inserts (xblades) specifically made for turf toe from Indiana Brace (Clyde Peach). The prevent your big toe from flexing when you walk.  The inserts stiffen the shoe dramatically and it reduces the pressure on my big toe joints. I can climb 7-10 pitches in a day and then my toes are toast. I start using my knees!

I use the xblades in my everyday shoes and I am finding good relief. I need modifications in the xblade, as I need an aperature for my sesamoid bones. But, overall, I am much happier with the xblades than I was without any insert at all. My feet hurt a whole lot less.

I am only taking aleve when I have to (feet are sending shooting pains). I have also looked into the rocker shoes, but, I just can't get there yet. They are sooo fugly.

Finally, I am headed for toe fusion at some point. NOt now. I have aleady given up 6 months of my life this year. I will wait until I can no longer walk. Today, I have pain every step I take, but, it's so much better with the xblades. PM me if you want to chat on the phone. 

Hi Edge - try our new X1 Blade RTL model for a combination sesamoiditis and hallux rigidus. They work great. Clyde

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