Saturday, January 21, 2017

Flat Cookie Cutter Carbon Fiber Plate Insert Made My Foot Numb!


Hello Clyde - I just got diagnosed with hallux limitus, so I'm trying to figure all this stuff out. We are heading to Disneyworld at the end of Feb, so I hope your RTL inserts will help. I tried the flat carbon insert and it made the bottom of my foot feel numb even though it was on top of another insole. Aimee/ San Francisco

 Hi Aimee - Flat, rigid and cookie cutter carbon fiber plates are great for pediatric toe walkers. Not very good for adults - too thick, rigid, and restrictive. A flat carbon fiber plate makes the entire shoe stiff creating an awkward and unnatural gait for the user.
Custom made X1 Blades are thin & light, strategically padded and biomechanically strengthened and shaped. An X1 Blade will relieve your pain while walking without affecting your natural stride, and it will not make your foot numb! You shouldn't even know it is in your shoe.

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